PSCI010911 months ago

Professor Williams was a great professor and very knowledgeable about the subject. The reading load was heavy, but you will definitely learn a lot in this course. Exams were written essays and not too difficult.

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
2hrs / week Very difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
PSCI010911 months ago

Beware of the monotonous lectures! Professor Williams most definitely knows what he's talking about- but when its 9am, 50 minutes of straight talking and with only some brief topics written on a whiteboard to keep you oriented, it's definitely a class that can leave you dazed and clinging onto the few things you gleamed from the readings. Talking about those readings, there are a lot of them and they're all very dense and if you don't do them thoroughly it can really impact your perception of what's going in the class and then your contributions to the discussion section. Overall a time consuming class but Professor Williams seemed open and receptive to student questions.

Beware of the monotonous lectures! Professor Williams most definitely knows what he's talking about- but when its 9am, 50 minutes of straight talking and with only some brief topics written on a whiteboard to keep you oriented, it's definitely a class that can leave you dazed and clinging onto the few things you gleamed from the read …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingTough Grading
15hrs / week Very difficulty Above average value Would not take again
PSCI010911 months ago

Mark was a great professor, but the readings are dense and your knowledge of the readings are crucial to your success in the class. He also loves to go over the designated class time, so don't schedule his class with another one right after it. It's very difficult to get better than an A- on any of his papers, but he is overall pretty fair with the grading. As a course requirement for my major, there could have definitely been worse classes than this to take. Fun class and good experience overall.

Mark was a great professor, but the readings are dense and your knowledge of the readings are crucial to your success in the class. He also loves to go over the designated class time, so don't schedule his class with another one right after it. It's very difficult to get better than an A- on any of his papers, but he is overall prett …Read more

Constant ReadingFair GradingFast-Paced
5hrs / week Some difficulty High value Would not take again
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