JAPN02303 months ago

I took this course to fulfill a distribution requirement and was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. There is a fair amount of reading however it is more stories than historical papers, which I found much more appealing as they weren't as dense. There is a fair amount of group discussions but if you've done the reading (even skimmed) you will be totally fine. There's a couple exams and papers, but nothing extremely hard if you're up to date in the class work.

I took this course to fulfill a distribution requirement and was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. There is a fair amount of reading however it is more stories than historical papers, which I found much more appealing as they weren't as dense. There is a fair amount of group discussions but if you've done the reading (ev …Read more

Chill and RelaxedFair GradingEasy Exams
2hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would take again
ANTH02304 months ago

I loved this class. This class holds a very dear place in my heart aswell as Professor White. This class does require you to do the readings because the class is discussion-heavy and quiz-heavy. She will encourage students to get into groups and talk about the material and then share out with the class. However, the manner in which we shareout is unconventional because she treats lectures as conversations. Every week or two weeks, you will have a quiz based on the reading. However, the answers to the quizzes are usually going to be the topics you cover in your class discussions. So do the readings and pay attention to the key themes she talks about in class, and you'll be golden. Also! We did have a 10-page final to hand in, but she does give you a lot of time to work on it in-class and even helps you with getting your sources.

I loved this class. This class holds a very dear place in my heart aswell as Professor White. This class does require you to do the readings because the class is discussion-heavy and quiz-heavy. She will encourage students to get into groups and talk about the material and then share out with the class. However, the manner in which w …Read more

Constant ReadingFair GradingEasy Exams
10hrs / week Average difficulty Above average value Would take again
JAPN02304 months ago

Be prepared for the reading quizzes as they will get you if you do not do the reading carefully. But that is really all she wants from you is to do the readings and be prepared for the quizzes because they will help you with the exams and the papers.

Constant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Some difficulty Very high value Would not take again
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