BIOL01404 months ago

I took IB bio in high school and there was not a lot of new information that I learned in Eco Evo. Even though the exams were open book, Feyten was very picky on using specific terminology (even if she didn't ask the right question for it). Wednesday classes were just going over the homework in groups and Friday classes were recaps of the week - both seemed a waste of time most weeks. Easy course, but a lot of menial work for little reward.

I took IB bio in high school and there was not a lot of new information that I learned in Eco Evo. Even though the exams were open book, Feyten was very picky on using specific terminology (even if she didn't ask the right question for it). Wednesday classes were just going over the homework in groups and Friday classes were recaps o …Read more

Constant ReadingTough GradingEasy Exams
3hrs / week Low difficulty Low value Would not take again
BIOL01405 months ago

Professor Feyton was very enthusiastic about the material and she was very open to answering any questions. I found her lectures to be unnecessarily fast-paced. Luckily I had taken AP Bio in high school and was familiar with most of the content already. The exams seemed straightforward but Prof. Feyton was nit-picky on many of he questions, despite showing an understanding of the content.

Professor Feyton was very enthusiastic about the material and she was very open to answering any questions. I found her lectures to be unnecessarily fast-paced. Luckily I had taken AP Bio in high school and was familiar with most of the content already. The exams seemed straightforward but Prof. Feyton was nit-picky on many of he que …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingTough Grading
6hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would not take again
BIOL02166 months ago

I thought that the lectures were very fast-paced, but not terribly so. There were constant readings, however they were not necessary. The labs ranged from being interesting to being incredibly tedious. Overall, the professor was great but some of the labs were annoying.

Fast-PacedFair GradingEasy Exams
3hrs / week Some difficulty Low value Would take again
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