292 reviews
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This was the hardest class I have ever taken. Although professor Spatafora was incredibly knowledgable and taught me a lot, the amount of stress I was under this semester because of this class was not worth it. I have never seen exam questions so convoluted and challenging and it felt like I was always being tricked. Studying for the MCAT will be much easier now but I'm not sure its worth it. Professor Spatafora would be a much better professor for an upper level bio class.
This was the hardest class I have ever taken. Although professor Spatafora was incredibly knowledgable and taught me a lot, the amount of stress I was under this semester because of this class was not worth it. I have never seen exam questions so convoluted and challenging and it felt like I was always being tricked. Studying for the …Read more
Spatafora is incredibly intelligent and too smart to be teaching this class. I came in with no background in biology whatsoever. I worked every day for multiple hours to understand the content. I attended every TA hour offered and still struggled. She expects you to have such a strong foundation and understanding of the material that you can apply it to something that you've never seen before. This class is the hardest class I've ever taken, and I believe that I passed this class so I can do anything. You need to be present and pay attention to 100% of her lectures. Everything that she says is fair game for an exam. If you came into the class with a strong background it biology, I'm sure it would be easier. This class taught me a lot. I feel very comfortable talking about cellular biology in other contexts, especially with my notes and I learned a lot but it wasn't worth the amount that I struggled.
Spatafora is incredibly intelligent and too smart to be teaching this class. I came in with no background in biology whatsoever. I worked every day for multiple hours to understand the content. I attended every TA hour offered and still struggled. She expects you to have such a strong foundation and understanding of the material that …Read more
I came in with high expectations since the course description seemed really cool, but the class was honestly pretty boring. Most of the concepts were really basic, which made the class easier, but the lectures were also just so repetitive. We did some projects that were more interesting, but some of the labs were sort of unnecessary/could've been structured better. There wasn't much work and it does count as an elective for the Biology major, but I don't know if I would take the course again.
I came in with high expectations since the course description seemed really cool, but the class was honestly pretty boring. Most of the concepts were really basic, which made the class easier, but the lectures were also just so repetitive. We did some projects that were more interesting, but some of the labs were sort of unnecessary …Read more