BIOL0392 with Raymond Vizgirdas18 days ago

This was a pretty relaxed J-term class. There were some weekly discussion posts in addition to one group project/presentation and a final project at the end where you make two posters on an endangered species. He is a pretty accommodating and very kind professor who I enjoyed. His lectures could be a bit long and only go surface level but I enjoyed hearing about his experiences as he is a retired federal wildlife biologist.

This was a pretty relaxed J-term class. There were some weekly discussion posts in addition to one group project/presentation and a final project at the end where you make two posters on an endangered species. He is a pretty accommodating and very kind professor who I enjoyed. His lectures could be a bit long and only go surface lev …Read more

Chill and RelaxedEasy GradingNo Exams
3hrs / week Low difficulty Above average value Would take again
BIOL1230 with Casey Schine24 days ago

This class was wonderful. I was completely new to coding, and it was a perfect introduction to R. I attended almost every single office hours, and my efforts were rewarded. While coding is inevitably frustrating, Professors Schine and Lyford went above and beyond to ensure we were supported all the way through. We had weekly homework assignments that built on one another and there was a final project to pull all of our knowledge together and tell a story of an argo asynchronous float in the Southern Ocean. If you need to take a stats class, I would highly recommend this course.

This class was wonderful. I was completely new to coding, and it was a perfect introduction to R. I attended almost every single office hours, and my efforts were rewarded. While coding is inevitably frustrating, Professors Schine and Lyford went above and beyond to ensure we were supported all the way through. We had weekly homework …Read more

Project-HeavyEasy GradingNo Exams
5hrs / week Some difficulty High value Would take again
BIOL0145 with Mark Spritzer30 days ago

I found the course to be very fast past. This included Marks teaching style. It felt like he was sprinting through lecture to get all the material in. This made it hard to keep up. Overall, for anyone who is smart this class won't be to bad.

Fast-PacedTough GradingDifficult Exams
6hrs / week Extremely difficulty Average value Would not take again
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