ECON0155last month

I enjoy Microeconomics, but I wouldn't recommend taking it with Professor Isham. While he's clearly passionate about environment and global issues, his lectures often focus more on long-winded tangents, leaving little time to cover the essential material for problem sets and exams. As an Environmental Economics major who also cares deeply about these topics, I found his rants sometimes come off as preachy and even give off "white savior" vibes. He isn't a tough grader, but I feel his approach doesn't provide enough solid grounding in foundational microeconomics, which could make later Econ courses more challenging.

I enjoy Microeconomics, but I wouldn't recommend taking it with Professor Isham. While he's clearly passionate about environment and global issues, his lectures often focus more on long-winded tangents, leaving little time to cover the essential material for problem sets and exams. As an Environmental Economics major who also cares d …Read more

Lots of HomeworkFair GradingDifficult Exams
6hrs / week Very difficulty Low value Would not take again
ECON02653 months ago

I personally did not LOVE this course. Professor Isham likes to spend the majority of class time talking about "the bigger picture" - which I do appreciate - but then ends up rushing through the slide/content within the last 15 minutes. the first midterm was easy but the second was so hard. There are definitely interesting moments, but I just felt like I did not get as much out of this class as I had wanted to.

I personally did not LOVE this course. Professor Isham likes to spend the majority of class time talking about "the bigger picture" - which I do appreciate - but then ends up rushing through the slide/content within the last 15 minutes. the first midterm was easy but the second was so hard. There are definitely interesting moments, b …Read more

Slow-PacedEasy Grading
2hrs / week Low difficulty Low value Would not take again
ENVS02114 months ago

Professor John Isham’s Environmental Policy class was both challenging and inspiring, offering a comprehensive look into the current issues and debates surrounding environmental policy. Professor Isham is incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about the subject, which made the course both informative and engaging. He has a knack for breaking down complex policy frameworks and explaining how they apply to real-world environmental challenges. The course covers a lot of material, including climate change policies, sustainable development, and environmental justice. Professor Isham encourages critical thinking by prompting students to consider the pros and cons of various policies and their impacts on different communities. The reading load is moderate to heavy, but all materials are relevant and up-to-date with current events, making class discussions rich and meaningful.

Professor John Isham’s Environmental Policy class was both challenging and inspiring, offering a comprehensive look into the current issues and debates surrounding environmental policy. Professor Isham is incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about the subject, which made the course both informative and engaging. He has a knack for …Read more

Chill and RelaxedEndless WritingFair Grading
5hrs / week Average difficulty Average value Would not take again
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