PHIL01803 months ago

I took PHIL 0180 for a DED credit. It's pretty tough if you're not great at math; easier than a real math course, but definitely not easy. The content is very fast-paced and if you fall behind it's really hard to catch up. Prof. Juvshik is funny and knowledgeable about the material, but isn't very welcoming or sympathetic to students who are taking it only for the DED requirement, and was just straight up rude to certain students. There was a sense of playing favourites, I'd say. Additionally, while the grading on the exams is fair and clear, the grading on the homeworks is very nitpicky and at times contradictory; I got points taken off for not showing enough work and for showing too much work in the same section (this may be a problem with the course grader, not the professor, but is still worth noting).

I took PHIL 0180 for a DED credit. It's pretty tough if you're not great at math; easier than a real math course, but definitely not easy. The content is very fast-paced and if you fall behind it's really hard to catch up. Prof. Juvshik is funny and knowledgeable about the material, but isn't very welcoming or sympathetic to students …Read more

Fast-PacedLots of HomeworkTough Grading
9hrs / week Very difficulty Above average value Would not take again
PHIL01804 months ago

Professor Juvshik is a fun and enthusiastic professor. His lectures are very helpful in helping me understand the materials. Discussion session consists mainly of practice problems and working on homework sets. An interesting class to take if you enjoy deductive reasoning.

Fast-PacedLots of HomeworkFair Grading
4hrs / week Some difficulty Low value Would not take again
PHIL02144 months ago

As a Philosophy major, I would say that Science and Society is a great choice for non-majors. I did enjoy it and am finding it useful, but it is a little bit light on the "philosophy" side. Lots of great discussions about the science and public trust and how ethical values are infused into scientific practice.

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Average difficulty High value Would not take again
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