Eilat Glikman
This course started off chill with a calculus review for a few weeks, then started to pick up steam quickly. Once we got to the actual Fourier analysis I found myself slightly lost but I was still able to pull through in the course. Definitely starts out easier than it ends up, but the exams are all the same level as the homework
The course was pretty difficult. All of the material is very dense but very useful to anyone planning to take higher level physics courses. This course is definitely a lot of work: in addition to very meaty biweekly problem sets, we had smaller practice problem sets due between every class, which definitely got to be a lot to keep up with during the exam seasons. Professor Glikman is a wonderful and very enthusiastic professor. She writes a LOT of content on the board, so it may not be the most fruitful endeavor to try and copy her notes into yours, rather you should just make sure you write down the "meat & potatoes" of the concepts. Nevertheless, she understands how dense the course and its material is, how fast she moves during lecture, and the overall difficulty of the work and definitely accounts for that when curving exam grades.
The course was pretty difficult. All of the material is very dense but very useful to anyone planning to take higher level physics courses. This course is definitely a lot of work: in addition to very meaty biweekly problem sets, we had smaller practice problem sets due between every class, which definitely got to be a lot to keep up …Read more
Yes, this is a hard class with difficult content. But it is worth it! If you want succeed in the class you need to commit a lot of time and effort each week to do the homework and make sure you understand the content. It is definitely a grind. With that being said, the material is very interesting, especially in the second half of the course when Fourier is introduced. Prof. Glickman is very kind, understanding, and willing to spend extra time on things if you are confused. Her lectures move very quickly and are note taking heavy, but they are clear and engaging. The course consists of 2 midterms, a final, and 5 big problem sets. There are also graded practice homeworks due once or twice each week. To succeed in the course, I highly recommend doing problem sets with friends, going to TA and office hours. Like I said before, it's a lot of work... but it is worth it and incredibly rewarding. I would absolutely take the course with Prof. Glickman again. Good luck soldier.
Yes, this is a hard class with difficult content. But it is worth it! If you want succeed in the class you need to commit a lot of time and effort each week to do the homework and make sure you understand the content. It is definitely a grind. With that being said, the material is very interesting, especially in the second half of th …Read more