Quantum Physics
Quantum Physics Classical theories of physics fail to adequately explain the behavior of the smallest and most fundamental objects in nature. In this course we introduce quantum theory, which makes accurate predictions by describing fundamental particles as wave-like and measurements as inherently probabilistic. Students will utilize prior knowledge of wave behavior to explore the foundational principles of quantum theory, including the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, the Schrödinger wave equation and wave-particle duality. These principles and techniques are then applied to explain the properties of elementary particles, atoms, molecules, and nuclei. (PHYS 0212 or PHYS 0216)
Quantum Physics Classical theories of physics fail to adequately explain the behavior of the smallest and most fundamental objects in nature. In this course we introduce quantum theory, which makes accurate predictions by describing fundamental particles as wave-like and measurements as inherently probabilistic. Students will utilize prior knowledge of wave behavior to explore the foundational principles of quantum theory, including the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, the Schrödinger wave equation and wave-particle duality. These principles and techniques are then applied to explain the prop …Read more