NSCI020025 days ago

If you enjoy learning about the human side of science and how it relates to the human experience and the beginnings of Neuroscience, I highly suggest taking this class. It really put into perspective early experimentation, the scientists behind novel-breaking research, and how philosophy is the engine of scientific research. Dr. Cave is extremely passionate about this topic and his way of explaining topics from history to experimental design was easily digestible. His exams are easy if you make sure to do all the readings.

If you enjoy learning about the human side of science and how it relates to the human experience and the beginnings of Neuroscience, I highly suggest taking this class. It really put into perspective early experimentation, the scientists behind novel-breaking research, and how philosophy is the engine of scientific research. Dr. Cave …Read more

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingEasy Exams
5hrs / week Low difficulty Very high value Would take again
NSCI02512 months ago

I love Dr. Cave. This was my second class with him and I am taking a third with him next semester. He is a very clear and precise professor in the way he explains topics, which works very well for me. He is always willing to further explain and answer questions. He wants his students to understand! The only thing I struggled with in this class was his exams. They are extremely difficult because we had two large exams that each had an insane amount of material on them. However, there are ways to succeed through meeting with him and studying and memorizing his lecture slides in great detail. I learned so much in this class and found it to be very effective for me.

I love Dr. Cave. This was my second class with him and I am taking a third with him next semester. He is a very clear and precise professor in the way he explains topics, which works very well for me. He is always willing to further explain and answer questions. He wants his students to understand! The only thing I struggled with in …Read more

Fast-PacedDifficult ExamsTough Grading
4hrs / week Extremely difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
NSCI03453 months ago

This course is interesting and relaxed, definitely recommend as a neuroscience elective. The extent of Cave's knowledge in all things never ceases to impress me. No exams, got better at reading science journals. I will say I didn't retain much from lectures given we were never tested on material - double edged sword.

Chill and RelaxedNo Exams
2hrs / week Low difficulty High value Would take again
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