Chris Herdman
Some people find Herdman incredibly engaging but I feel he can be hard to follow sometimes. Still the homeworks and exam felt incredibly rewarding to work through and even if the class was hard, the grading wasn't unfair.
This course was at first very difficult to wrap my head around but got easier as it went on. The exams were fair and so was the grading. Sometimes I felt like the lectures weren’t very helpful and I learned more from doing the reading instead.
The topics covered in the class are understandably complicated, and fairly abstract. Weekly homework assignments were at times a bit farther behind the lectures, which wasn't always great. Prof. Herdman's teaching didn't feel like it always lined up with the way we'd do actual problems we had on homework sets, it felt like there was a bit too much of a leap we had to make at times.
The topics covered in the class are understandably complicated, and fairly abstract. Weekly homework assignments were at times a bit farther behind the lectures, which wasn't always great. Prof. Herdman's teaching didn't feel like it always lined up with the way we'd do actual problems we had on homework sets, it felt like there was …Read more