CHNS0201last month

Professor Wiebe is very enthusiastic and a fun lecturer. She is very clear in her explanations of grammar and vocabulary, and is a pleasure to talk to. She is very understanding and accommodating, and communicating your needs with her is very effective. She is also very clear in her expectations for pre-class work however. She does expect that you have at least looked through vocab before class, and read the lesson's text to the point that you won't be stuttering through it, or looking up how to pronounce a character. The class mostly consisted of lecture, with very frequent dictation quizzes. When I say frequent, I mean frequent. Some weeks there were quizzes every day, so you do need to keep a consistent study schedule. The tests were fine if you were okay with the first-year level tests, and these tests don't have any long essay-type questions. There were two skits total for the class, and although they were a little stressful, were really fun. The transition between first-year and second-year Chinese wasn't too dramatic from what I remember, and I definitely recommend continuing on with Chinese. It may be a bit of an adjustment if you are placing into this course however.

Professor Wiebe is very enthusiastic and a fun lecturer. She is very clear in her explanations of grammar and vocabulary, and is a pleasure to talk to. She is very understanding and accommodating, and communicating your needs with her is very effective. She is also very clear in her expectations for pre-class work however. She does e …Read more

Fast-PacedFair GradingLots of Homework
6hrs / week Very difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
CHNS02014 months ago

Had a great time in Chinese 201. Instructors were very clear in lectures and expectations for homework and tests. Felt like I learned a lot at a manageable pace. Frequent character quizzes required lots of preparation but ensured we didn't forget characters even after we completed units.

Lots of HomeworkFair GradingFast-Paced
5hrs / week Average difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
CHNS02014 months ago

Professors (Zhang Laoshi and Wu Laoshi) are deeply passionate about the course and are super enthusiastic. Great teaching styles. Quizzes almost everyday, homework everyday, one drill a week, one language tables a week. Compared to intro Chinese, quizzes are graded much harsher but exams are shorter and graded fairly.

Fast-PacedTough GradingDifficult Exams
3hrs / week Average difficulty Above average value Would take again
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