ENVS03323 months ago

I had very mixed feelings about this class. It is a seminar-style class that meets once a week, with a lot of field trips thrown in here and there. Some of our class sessions were very enjoyable (going to the Willowell foundation, meeting with John Vincent from the revolutionary press, etc), while others were absolute duds that dragged on aimlessly with no clear lesson plan. My biggest grievance with this class is that I wish Bill and Marc had lectured us in SOME capacity. I understand they're wanting to facilitate a different style of learning and all, but I found myself disappointed not getting to learn much from them because I know that they have so much to share.

I had very mixed feelings about this class. It is a seminar-style class that meets once a week, with a lot of field trips thrown in here and there. Some of our class sessions were very enjoyable (going to the Willowell foundation, meeting with John Vincent from the revolutionary press, etc), while others were absolute duds that dragg …Read more

Slow-PacedUngradingNo Exams
2hrs / week Low difficulty Low value Would not take again
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