BIOL03083 months ago

This class is an essential course in Biology/ConBio/ECSC, as the content material covers all mammals, their paleogeographic distribution, evolution, migration, and human-animal interactions and conservation efforts. While Alexis heavily emphasizes the lack of memorization and exams in this class, there is much more to do in terms of projects and group work. The lab reports are lengthy, so make sure to visit her office hours or see her for feedback, as the formal grade will take a while to return to you. The science communication aspect is really fun and engaging, especially getting to work towards the goal of teaching children. The TAM project is really interesting, although the group work can become tedious. I would say that passion and energy in the course material is essential to performing well, as the effort required for the many different assignments will feel fruitless if you're uninterested or apathetic about the class. However, Alexis is also incredibly kind and understanding, so definitely reach out if you have problems or need any extensions. She responds to emails really quickly (and at almost any hour of the day, it seems), so don't be shy about emailing her either. Overall, I wish I had more warning about the workload for this course and I am not likely to take another class with her, but I would love to do independent research or work one-on-one with her instead.

This class is an essential course in Biology/ConBio/ECSC, as the content material covers all mammals, their paleogeographic distribution, evolution, migration, and human-animal interactions and conservation efforts. While Alexis heavily emphasizes the lack of memorization and exams in this class, there is much more to do in terms of …Read more

Fast-PacedProject-HeavyNo Exams
12hrs / week Hardcore difficulty Extremely high value Would not take again
ENVS01663 months ago

This class is super fun, but it is definitely a lot of work. The material itself is very simple to grasp, and Alexis does a good job at making you apply it through various means, but the overall workload is a touch excessive, with multiple problem sets, projects, and papers that aren't particularly difficult but take some time; however, there are no exams, so that's definitely nice. The course content is entertaining, and Alexis is passionate about it, so the lectures are actually pretty fun. Overall, if you want an intro to deep time and some science ethics, this is a great class to take, but be prepared to do some work for it.

This class is super fun, but it is definitely a lot of work. The material itself is very simple to grasp, and Alexis does a good job at making you apply it through various means, but the overall workload is a touch excessive, with multiple problem sets, projects, and papers that aren't particularly difficult but take some time; howev …Read more

Lots of HomeworkNo ExamsFair Grading
5hrs / week Some difficulty High value Would take again
ENVS01664 months ago

Course content is interesting and work is not particularly difficult, however, work volume is quite high. Lots of busy work that require many hours. Alexis is great, but I would reccoment the class mostly to those interested in Paleo or earth sciences.

Fast-PacedProject-HeavyFair Grading
4hrs / week Some difficulty Average value Would not take again
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