with Marybeth Nevins11 months ago

Elements of the curriculum were engaging, even to a person who had never taken a class in linguistics or anthropology. While she was very passionate about her subject, the Professor's lectures were not engaging. 4 papers total, grading was fair but it was difficult to discern her expectations.

Slow-PacedProject-HeavyFair Grading
1hrs / week Low difficulty Low value Would not take again
with Marybeth Nevins2 years ago

This is the only class I've ever consistently skipped. It was so incredibly boring, and the professor never bothered to switch up her teaching style, even when every single student was either skipping or doing other things on their laptops during class. The biggest waste of time and money in my college career thus far.

Slow-PacedConstant ReadingNo Exams
0hrs / week Low difficulty Extremely low value Would not take again