ECON02304 months ago

Professor Pyle is super enthusiastic about this course material and presents it in a very engaging way. The assignments are unique and allow you to digest the material in a way that you dont usually get to in other econ courses.

Chill and RelaxedEasy ExamsEasy Grading
1hrs / week Low difficulty Very high value Would take again
ECON02304 months ago

Loved Will Pyle. If there is a class I would wake up at 7:30 in the morning for, it would be this one. Why? 1. His enthusiasm about the subject is clear and infectious. 2. He is good at making things relevant and understandable. 3. He is just a great guy what can I say?

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Average difficulty High value Would take again
ECON02304 months ago

This was a phenomenal class and Pyle was a great teacher with clear passion for the subject. He tries his best to make it interesting to everyone and there's a lot of room for both discussion and lectures. Would recommend this class heavily, you'll learn a lot with a great and chill professor.

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
5hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
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