CHNS02504 months ago

the films that this course revolved around allowed me to gain insight into various elements of chinese culture, and the behaviors of chinese society as manifested through film. as film is a very popular form of self expression, i was able to undertand more about chinese culture in different time periods.

Fair GradingProject ExamsConstant Reading
5hrs / week Average difficulty Average value Would not take again
CHNS03504 months ago

Professor Moran is one of my favorite professors on campus. He's very engaged in the material and leaves a lot of room for discussion in his classes. He offers great feedback on written assignments and is a fair grader. He also gives you flexibility in his assignments. We had the option to write essays or make a short film for the final. Overall a great experience, and I'd recommend this class to anyone who want's to learn about China.

Professor Moran is one of my favorite professors on campus. He's very engaged in the material and leaves a lot of room for discussion in his classes. He offers great feedback on written assignments and is a fair grader. He also gives you flexibility in his assignments. We had the option to write essays or make a short film for the fi …Read more

Chill and RelaxedFair GradingEasy Exams
8hrs / week Average difficulty High value Would take again
CHNS0250last year

This course is reading and writing heavy, but over all I had an enjoyable experience. We were assigned to watch movies independently before each class, followed by in-class discussion sessions. This course exposed me to a variety of Chinese films, and it was manageable even if you are not familiar with the Chinese language.

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingEasy Grading
8hrs / week Average difficulty Above average value Would take again
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