IGST101627 days ago

This course is interesting. If you have any curiosity about nuclear weapons or their role in the Russia Ukraine war I would recommend you take this class. With that said, this is not a gem. The readings can be lengthy, there is a midterm, a project, and a final paper. If you can commit the time to the readings and participate in class you will get an A, just be prepared to do a lot of reading and participate in class.

This course is interesting. If you have any curiosity about nuclear weapons or their role in the Russia Ukraine war I would recommend you take this class. With that said, this is not a gem. The readings can be lengthy, there is a midterm, a project, and a final paper. If you can commit the time to the readings and participate in clas …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
6hrs / week Very difficulty Very high value Would take again
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