BIOL039219 days ago

This was a pretty relaxed J-term class. There were some weekly discussion posts in addition to one group project/presentation and a final project at the end where you make two posters on an endangered species. He is a pretty accommodating and very kind professor who I enjoyed. His lectures could be a bit long and only go surface level but I enjoyed hearing about his experiences as he is a retired federal wildlife biologist.

This was a pretty relaxed J-term class. There were some weekly discussion posts in addition to one group project/presentation and a final project at the end where you make two posters on an endangered species. He is a pretty accommodating and very kind professor who I enjoyed. His lectures could be a bit long and only go surface lev …Read more

Chill and RelaxedEasy GradingNo Exams
3hrs / week Low difficulty Above average value Would take again
BIOL10082 months ago

I came in with high expectations since the course description seemed really cool, but the class was honestly pretty boring. Most of the concepts were really basic, which made the class easier, but the lectures were also just so repetitive. We did some projects that were more interesting, but some of the labs were sort of unnecessary/could've been structured better. There wasn't much work and it does count as an elective for the Biology major, but I don't know if I would take the course again.

I came in with high expectations since the course description seemed really cool, but the class was honestly pretty boring. Most of the concepts were really basic, which made the class easier, but the lectures were also just so repetitive. We did some projects that were more interesting, but some of the labs were sort of unnecessary …Read more

Easy GradingNo ExamsChill and Relaxed
1hrs / week Low difficulty Low value Would not take again
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