FREN022628 days ago

Peter Tarjanyi is an enthousiatic French professor and I enjoyed taking his class. The class involves frequent reading and writing assignments and you have to stay current with the material to avoid falling behind. There is a midterm which was challenging but not extremely difficult. I enjoyed the class. The films can be a little strange but on par with a liberal arts education in Vermont.

Peter Tarjanyi is an enthousiatic French professor and I enjoyed taking his class. The class involves frequent reading and writing assignments and you have to stay current with the material to avoid falling behind. There is a midterm which was challenging but not extremely difficult. I enjoyed the class. The films can be a little str …Read more

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
5hrs / week Average difficulty Average value Would take again
FREN02092 months ago

I absolutely love professor Tarjani and I hope to take more courses with him in the future. He is incredibly engaging in class and very funny and enthusiastic about the material. This class sparked my love for french again and everyone in the french department should try to take a class with him. He grades very fairly and I was rarely stressed about this class, but it was not so easy that I didn't care - his enthusiasm made me care about the material.

I absolutely love professor Tarjani and I hope to take more courses with him in the future. He is incredibly engaging in class and very funny and enthusiastic about the material. This class sparked my love for french again and everyone in the french department should try to take a class with him. He grades very fairly and I was rarel …Read more

Chill and RelaxedEasy GradingEasy Exams
3hrs / week Low difficulty Very high value Would take again
FREN02264 months ago

Professor Tarjanyi was great. The content and material were super interesting, which made some of the long readings more enjoyable. There were a lot of films, and each one contributed to my understanding of the material. Much of the content was a little out there, but I would take the course again in a heartbeat.

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would take again
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