Peter Ryan
I enjoyed this course during my first semester in college. I found the pacing to be relatively quick, but the workload was on the lighter side. Professor Ryan is very approachable and understanding, and the lectures are relatively engaging. Both lab and lecture sections were interesting, although I found that they did not always correlate directly to each other. Overall, it was a positive experience with the course!
I enjoyed this course during my first semester in college. I found the pacing to be relatively quick, but the workload was on the lighter side. Professor Ryan is very approachable and understanding, and the lectures are relatively engaging. Both lab and lecture sections were interesting, although I found that they did not always corr …Read more
As an entry to the environmental science major, this course can be interesting for students who would like to continue their studies in the environmental science field. However, for students who are taking this course as either a distribution requirement or to try something new, staying engaged with the course can prove difficult as lectures almost never relate to the labs, and even when they do a lot of the information is stuff that an average student already knows from high school. Lab work is exciting though, and are worth experiencing if you sit through the lectures.
As an entry to the environmental science major, this course can be interesting for students who would like to continue their studies in the environmental science field. However, for students who are taking this course as either a distribution requirement or to try something new, staying engaged with the course can prove difficult as …Read more
I found this course to be valuable mostly for students who intend to be ES majors/ minors and/or are wanting an easy science attribution. The lab section was very hands on which made it a lot more enjoyable than the lectures but professors in both sections are very understanding and explain concepts very well.