ECON015519 days ago

I took this course with Pecsok and found him to be very easy. We rarely had problems on the problem sets that people could not figure out. Exams had many very easy questions that boosted everyone's grades. If you don't understand he is very helpful in office hours.

Chill and RelaxedEasy GradingEasy Exams
2hrs / week Very low difficulty Above average value Would take again
ECON015526 days ago

The exams were all take-home and open book, and he publishes all of the prior exams which all have similar questions with answer keys. He assigns specific questions from various problem sets for each class, but none of them are particularly difficult. I found going to his office hours very helpful, whether for homework help or just a conversation. Would highly recommend taking micro with Professor Sommers

The exams were all take-home and open book, and he publishes all of the prior exams which all have similar questions with answer keys. He assigns specific questions from various problem sets for each class, but none of them are particularly difficult. I found going to his office hours very helpful, whether for homework help or just a …Read more

Easy GradingEasy Exams
4hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would take again
ECON0155last month

I enjoyed taking this course with professor Pescok. He was really accommodating to students needs and very informative in lectures. All tests were very relevant to homeworks and lectures. Make sure to review homeworks for test and you will do great

Lots of HomeworkFair GradingChill and Relaxed
6hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
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