PSCI0308last month

This course was very interesting especially for someone interested in US Elections. It was fairly difficult, with lots of reading, but only required 1 paper throughout the semester and 2 exams (midterm and final). Exams were fair to the course material and if you study, you will do fine.

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
6hrs / week Some difficulty Very high value Would not take again
PSCI0308last month

Professor Dickinson does not work with students. He teaches his slides with a paper handout, and then leaves. He did not return our midterms until days before the final, and returned our final during j term. He attributed this to the myriad of media performances he had to do during the election, and consistently informed us of how busy he was. The material was interesting, however, stating that gender has nothing to do with the outcome of the 2024 presidential elections is an excellent reflection of his teaching.

Professor Dickinson does not work with students. He teaches his slides with a paper handout, and then leaves. He did not return our midterms until days before the final, and returned our final during j term. He attributed this to the myriad of media performances he had to do during the election, and consistently informed us of how bu …Read more

Fast-PacedTough GradingConstant Reading
5hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would not take again
FYSE11812 months ago

Professor Dickinson's long lectures were somewhat helpful for understanding the material, but also tended to quickly become boring or go on long, unhelpful tangents. The readings are basically all of the class, and every week has hours worth of them to read. He did seem genuinely interested in the material he was teaching. Papers would not be accepted after the deadline without prior approval, and even with prior approval your grade would be dropped each day it was late. He also refused to proofread papers and often returned grades papers far too late for you to use his feedback for the next paper. Professor Dickinson also made several comments and jokes that seemed racially insensitive, such as repeatedly referring to Black people as "the blacks".

Professor Dickinson's long lectures were somewhat helpful for understanding the material, but also tended to quickly become boring or go on long, unhelpful tangents. The readings are basically all of the class, and every week has hours worth of them to read. He did seem genuinely interested in the material he was teaching. Papers wou …Read more

Constant ReadingFair GradingNo Exams
5hrs / week Average difficulty Low value Would not take again
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