DANC02603 months ago

Professor Winfield was a great professor and I loved attending her class every week. She came up with great prompts for our choreography and assigned us readings and films that correlated to our choreography assignment for that week. Her class was a very welcoming and relaxing space and it was overall a very fun class to take.

Slow-PacedEasy GradingNo Exams
4hrs / week Extremely low difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
DANC02614 months ago

Lida is AMAZING! I highly reccommend taking Improvisational Practicies, even if you have never danced a day in your life. Improvisationl praticies is fascinating in the classroom but also outside of the classroom. I wish I could retake this class!

Chill and RelaxedProject-HeavyFair Grading
1hrs / week Very low difficulty Very high value Would take again
DANC02614 months ago

Loved this class so much! I learned to love my body and learned how to move it. always was happy to come to class and Lida is so nice and will make sure you are comfortable. Def take this class it is one of my fav here at middlebury

Chill and RelaxedEasy GradingNo Exams
2hrs / week Low difficulty Above average value Would take again
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