RELI01403 months ago

Ortegren is super cool. Love her general enthusiasm for all that she teaches. She really cares about her students. Two papers and final projects with a couple of easy classes. Her first paper grading can be harsh but the second is way easier and it does not affect your overall grade as much.

Constant ReadingEasy GradingNo Exams
3hrs / week Low difficulty Above average value Would not take again
RELI02543 months ago

I really enjoy Professor Ortegren's class on Islam in South Asia because it's so discussion-based. We dive into the lives of Muslims in the region, and learning through discussions feels more engaging than lectures—it really makes you think. Professor Ortegren is also an excellent writer, so her feedback on papers is incredibly helpful, though she does expect you to work hard. The class isn't overly challenging, but it definitely requires effort. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to broaden their perspective beyond our usual US-centric view. It's a real eye-opener!

I really enjoy Professor Ortegren's class on Islam in South Asia because it's so discussion-based. We dive into the lives of Muslims in the region, and learning through discussions feels more engaging than lectures—it really makes you think. Professor Ortegren is also an excellent writer, so her feedback on papers is incredibly helpf …Read more

Constant ReadingFair GradingNo Exams
3hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
RELI01403 months ago

There is a fair amount of work for this course, but the professor is extremely helpful when it comes to paper writing, and helps you come up with plans for the writing. She offers a lot of support overall.

Fast-PacedFair GradingEasy Exams
3hrs / week Average difficulty High value Would take again
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