THEA01024 months ago

I took this course with Prof. Ashley Baptiste who did not seem to appear on the instructor listing. Prof. Baptiste is a nice, energetic and accommodating person in class although her style can sometimes feel a bit commanding in unnecessary aspects. As someone with little to no experience in theatre I feel quite unchallenged in this course, as the scene assigned are short and physical exercises in class are more leaning in to physical exploration of the body rather than physical/vocal/literal exploration based on a theatrical concept. Feedback were helpful but mostly generic acting advice that would apply to most beginners (and there wasn't written feedback for the mid-term, which is a regret). Participation in the audition and prior preparation is an important component of the course, and felt constructive for my growth in the course. Overall I enjoyed the course but felt that it could have been so much more rich and nuanced.

I took this course with Prof. Ashley Baptiste who did not seem to appear on the instructor listing. Prof. Baptiste is a nice, energetic and accommodating person in class although her style can sometimes feel a bit commanding in unnecessary aspects. As someone with little to no experience in theatre I feel quite unchallenged in this c …Read more

Chill and RelaxedEasy GradingProject Exams
3hrs / week Extremely low difficulty Very low value Would not take again
THEA01022 years ago

Acting with Boddie was an interesting experience. I made a lot of friends in this class, and really enjoyed the performance aspect of the course. Given that I had a little bit of experience in acting, and that I did and still do have preconceived notions of what it means to act, I did not enjoy the day-to-day assignments/acting prompts given. We essentially only explored dialogue and had to create our own scenarios and characters, which I personally disagreed with. I also thought it to be unfair that group acting was graded as a group rather than individually. Otherwise, the class was fun, there was little reading involved, a small amount of memorization, and a lot of creativity.

Acting with Boddie was an interesting experience. I made a lot of friends in this class, and really enjoyed the performance aspect of the course. Given that I had a little bit of experience in acting, and that I did and still do have preconceived notions of what it means to act, I did not enjoy the day-to-day assignments/acting promp …Read more

Chill and RelaxedFair Grading
1hrs / week Low difficulty Very low value Would not take again
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