RELI018025 days ago

Professor Lim is the best. All of her classes are easy and straightforward, even if you come in to the class with little to no knowledge on the subject. She ended up making our exams open note. Would definitely recommend her

Chill and RelaxedEasy Grading
4hrs / week Very low difficulty Average value Would take again
RELI1049last month

This was the perfect J-term course. It knocked out some distribution reqs, and I had so much time for myself outside of class & homework. Dr. Lim is my favorite professor I’ve had at Middlebury so far. She gave us about 15-30 pages of reading per day, but they were easy to skim. We had a 100-200 word journal entry due each day that you just had to submit on time to get an A. We had to lead one discussion with partners, and do a final presentation, but we got to choose which discussion topic we wanted, and then self-navigate our final presentations. Dr. Lim wants her students to develop understanding and succeed, and she is so passionate about this topic that when you present she is truly just excited to see you take a deep dive into what she’s interested in.

This was the perfect J-term course. It knocked out some distribution reqs, and I had so much time for myself outside of class & homework. Dr. Lim is my favorite professor I’ve had at Middlebury so far. She gave us about 15-30 pages of reading per day, but they were easy to skim. We had a 100-200 word journal entry due each day that y …Read more

Chill and RelaxedEasy GradingNo Exams
3hrs / week Very low difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
RELI1049last month

This was my first class with Professor Lim and I immediately want to take another one. Dr. Lim is so knowledgable and enthusiastic about what she teaches and she was able to turn a seemingly niche and far-fetched topic into a commentary on our modern world (we aren't as modern as we seem). Professor Lim was funny, interesting, and created a very warm class environment. Readings were not too difficult and were generally interesting. Daily journal posts were explicitly told to be short which left a choice to do as little or much of the homework readings as you wanted. Discussions were interesting and it was fun to have classmates lead them.

This was my first class with Professor Lim and I immediately want to take another one. Dr. Lim is so knowledgable and enthusiastic about what she teaches and she was able to turn a seemingly niche and far-fetched topic into a commentary on our modern world (we aren't as modern as we seem). Professor Lim was funny, interesting, and cr …Read more

Chill and RelaxedEasy GradingNo Exams
3hrs / week Low difficulty Above average value Would take again
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