Erik Bleich
I loved this course with Prof. Bleich! He was clearly very interested in the subject matter, even though literature is not his main focus as a political scientist. We read about a book/text per week, which was sometimes difficult to keep up with, but if you skim some it's definitely doable. There were no papers outside of the midterm and final exams, which were both given outside of class time with ample time allowed. He also gave weekly reading comprehension quizzes at the start of each class which were easy enough if you did the reading. Ultimately, take this class if you can motivate yourself enough to finish the readings each week because without them, you won't get much out of the course.
I loved this course with Prof. Bleich! He was clearly very interested in the subject matter, even though literature is not his main focus as a political scientist. We read about a book/text per week, which was sometimes difficult to keep up with, but if you skim some it's definitely doable. There were no papers outside of the midterm …Read more
Prof. Bleich was incredibly enjoyable. For this course, he implemented small google forms quizzes every class to ensure people skimmed the reading, but it just asked about the basic ideas and made it all the more rewarding coming to class prepared. His slideshows were concise but covered all of the major ideas in the readings for the day and his excitement and enthusiasm made the class very interesting.
Prof. Bleich was incredibly enjoyable. For this course, he implemented small google forms quizzes every class to ensure people skimmed the reading, but it just asked about the basic ideas and made it all the more rewarding coming to class prepared. His slideshows were concise but covered all of the major ideas in the readings for the …Read more
Bleich is great. He is very interactive and fun, and even brought his dog into a few classes. The discussion is the main part of the class, and it can be a little dry sometimes, but will ramp up at times. He can stifle it sometimes by trying to bring quieter people in, which slows or pivots the conversation, but thats alright. This class has a TON of reading and homework. About a book a week, although some weeks are much worse than others. The book selection is wonderful, but be prepared to read a bunch. If you are interested in influential books, take the course, but be prepared for a lot of reading.
Bleich is great. He is very interactive and fun, and even brought his dog into a few classes. The discussion is the main part of the class, and it can be a little dry sometimes, but will ramp up at times. He can stifle it sometimes by trying to bring quieter people in, which slows or pivots the conversation, but thats alright. This c …Read more