Erick Gong
I thought Prof. Gong was a good teacher but at times he overexplained some of his concepts to the point where it was confusing to understand. He assigns two problem sets per week which are impossible to keep up with. His two midterms and final are extremely difficult and mentally draining. The multiple select sections of his exams have a confusing and unfair grading system which hurts your exam scores. He also deducts 5% per hour for late assignments until it reaches 40% which can really dent your grade. Therefore, his class is guaranteed to be a GPA destroyer. To top it all off, he isn't very accommodating to students' needs, especially when it comes to exam conflicts- his policy is that if you miss an exam you can either take an oral exam for a max score of 90%, or you can take a written exam for a max score of 50%. If you do decide to take this class with Prof. Gong, be prepared to put a lot of effort in! Otherwise I would definitely avoid taking this class with him.
I thought Prof. Gong was a good teacher but at times he overexplained some of his concepts to the point where it was confusing to understand. He assigns two problem sets per week which are impossible to keep up with. His two midterms and final are extremely difficult and mentally draining. The multiple select sections of his exams ha …Read more
Honestly this class probably wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t as poorly taught. Professor Gong is obviously excited about the material, but over-explains things to the point that he is almost impossible to follow sometimes. The tests are not overly difficult, but it can be hard to tell if the homework will take 1 or 4 hours.
I had a positive experience overall in this course. Professor Gong is great and makes himself very easy to reach out to. The course itself can be difficult at times but just requires a little more practice. STATA is hard at first but also just requires a little extra time to understand enough for the exams.