HARC02044 days ago

This course was straightforward and manageable as long as you kept up with the readings and prepared for the exams. The professor provided a clear outline of what to expect on the exams, and they closely matched the actual tests. Overall, it was a relaxed and enjoyable class.

Chill and RelaxedFair GradingEasy Exams
3hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would not take again
HARC035215 days ago

Packert is really caring prof. She always brings snacks to the class and makes sure all students know they can reach out to her and is flexible with meeting outside of class. She cares about getting to know each student. The course is interesting especially if you know nothing about Hinduism. I feel like it isn't very focused on art during the class, but you will learn some interesting things. Overall not that difficult and again the prof is very understanding.

Packert is really caring prof. She always brings snacks to the class and makes sure all students know they can reach out to her and is flexible with meeting outside of class. She cares about getting to know each student. The course is interesting especially if you know nothing about Hinduism. I feel like it isn't very focused on art …Read more

3hrs / week Average difficulty Average value Would not take again
HARC02043 months ago

Professor Packert is very passionate about her course content and knowledgeable about everything she teaches! I found this class very interesting because we covered all types of artworks and you learn a lot about the stories and history of Islam too. There are two exams, both in class and a terms quiz. There are a lot of weekly readings and videos/movies that we go over in class. At the end of every week, there are writing assignments that are worth 20% of your overall grade. Professor Packert is a very fair grader, and it's not difficult to get an A in this class if you study hard, show up and care. She is not an easy grader, but she is extremely accommodating, and grades you based on improvement. There are a lot of extra credit assignments that can help boost your final grade.

Professor Packert is very passionate about her course content and knowledgeable about everything she teaches! I found this class very interesting because we covered all types of artworks and you learn a lot about the stories and history of Islam too. There are two exams, both in class and a terms quiz. There are a lot of weekly readi …Read more

Constant ReadingFair GradingChill and Relaxed
3hrs / week Average difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
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